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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Be the Hero! Be STI!

By: Princess Cornejo, 2nd yr BSIT

STI NIGHT 2014 was one of the best events of the year for STI College Balayan, themed “Be the Hero! Be STI!” has awakened the eyes of the audience as STI featured the unsung heroes of our everyday lives. The event was held at the Balayan Covered Court last December 6, 2014 in line with celebration of the Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion.

The STI Dance People started with an opening number about “Heroes” followed by STI Notepad who rendered a reproduction of the “Sessionistas” and all their songs were themed heroes. The night was also joined by some of our very own alumni who never forget to look back and be a part of their Alma Mater’s activities. Core Science Academy students also did well in their interpretative dance number.

The audience participated in the different games prepared by the STI family and winners were given prizes like groceries, t-shirts and other freebies. They were awed by the production numbers all throughout the evening. The highlight of the event was the awarding of Scholarships to the winners of the game dubbed as “Celebrity Bluff”.

The success of the event was due to the teamwork of the production crew consisting of selected students, the Council of Leaders, administrative staff and faculty members headed by the dutiful President of STI College Balayan, Mrs. Ellen Christy Dimaano.

The program ended with a “Thank you” song from the performers together with the whole production staff and crew.

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